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Jana Pickova, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala

“Consumption of fish aiming to enhance the public health and aquaculture production in Czech Republic and Sweden”

Working with fish is a life style, simple to practice around the whole world. Fish is a not only beneficial to consume for our hearts but also a matter of heart feelings when it comes to threatened fish stocks and fish farming. 
My way to fish came from Vltava and carp to salmon stocking in Sweden. The main matter of concern of today is a global increase of fish consumption and the urgent need of sustainable farming practices to supply fish for these demands. Local production of traditional species is a prerequisite for this supply globally. To enable such practices, research and development of safe and sustainable production is necessary. Both Sweden and Czech Republic, as part of EU, have good opportunities to increase the production and consumption of fish aiming to enhance the public health by an increased aquaculture production and thereby availability of fish. Research and development to enable feed quantities for the farming of different species is a priority task, to minimize and optimize the inclusion of reduction fishery products (fish meal and oil) in the fish feeds, especially for the predatory fish species. Carp, and other similar species, not fully dependent on high animal origin ingredients inclusion in feeds are therefore suitable species to farm and develop further.  This research is of large importance to minimize dependence on fish imports and ensure quality and safety in the food chain. The long tradition of this type of carp culture in ponds is except an important healthy food resource, an important cultural heritage for future generations.
All this together gives me a great opportunity to be involved in prioritized areas of research in both these EU countries and also a great opportunity to remain Czech with Swedish life. The latest 20 years and the development of a European community including many countries has been a prerequisite. Hopefully this is a future to come as well.