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Jacky Cosson, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, Villefranche sur Mer, France

“The long walk of two scientists starts in Tawain: 20 years of Czech-French collaboration in Fisheries Research”

The trip to Taiwan was starting from Czech Republic for O. Linhart and from France for me: we met there in 1991. Since this meeting, Otomar and myself shared a long journey together, which lead us to so many countries, mostly in Asia and in America, but also accross so many research programs, the leading common motivation of the laters could be summarized in two small words : fish and sperm.
While Taiwan was for Otomar a tough occasion to start practicing English, Angers in France was devoted to french language learning and we developed a two years collaboration on silurid fishes. Then a 5 years collaboration with US colleagues was focused on sturgeon and paddle fish reproduction. Mexico  allowed  us to contribute to the development of carp aquaculture. Then, Asia, specially Indonesia and Japan became the object of other collaborative programs, followed by the last one in China where Otomar and I developped cooperation aiming to save Yang Tse sturgeons.

This common venture of Otomar and I was obviously shared with many scientists/friends all over the world (not to mention Czech) and apart from this human aspect,  also contributed to develop many technologies which became very precious for aquaculture applications in many other labs.